Let's say you get a credit card and use it for an emergency, like your car breaks down. Transmission costs $3,000. You can't afford that, but it's better than having purchase a brand new car that you cannot afford.
A medical emergency may drive you to the ER. That costs $1,000 just to walk in the door. Ambulance costs, testing and medications can cost over $3,000. Depending on your debt, this could drive you to bankruptcy with just ONE visit to the hospital if you have NO HEALTH INSURANCE!
$800-$1,000 easily for a one-bedroom apartment that still has crime even though it's supposed to be a decent neighborhood.
Unable to afford to pay your credit off because of the lack of income, interest rates skyrocket on your card, making it MORE difficult to keep up the smallest payments. Many times, you can't even cover the interest on it. That's if you're fortunate enough to even get a credit card.
What about those who have never been able to get a credit card? What do they do when they desperately need money to survive?
Sadly, too many people resort to all kinds of things that they would normally never think they would do, but feel that they have no choice. Possibly the sale of drugs, or stripping or prostitution, or even burglarizing for just a few dollars to feed their families.
So how do you end this perpetual, never ending cycle of poverty and debt?
How do you earn enough money to feed your family on minimum wage or welfare?
How do you earn enough to live a respectable, dignified life?
How do you earn enough money to pay for a quality education to get your child out of this poverty?
Something has to be done! Poverty breeds poverty! The cycle never ends for most!
Solution! There is a powerful, fast, very effective solution to breaking the cycle of poverty and living a very quality, dignified life for just $18!
But we must come together to help each other to to break this cycle of poverty!
This is the absolute best income opportunity in the world For more information, click on the link "$18 Dollar Freedom" and watch the amazing 6 minute video on the main website - and then contact me ASAP!
Our family of partners / teammates are exploding this opportunity for all involved! We are changing lives!
If you would love to work together as a team, with a true income solution to help you with your financial difficulties, contact me, Julie Williams ASAP!
#4CAG, #FourCorners, #FourCornersAllianceGroup, #Poverty
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